Promoting physical activity (PA) at the community level is a complex, multi-sector approach requiring researchers and practitioners to impact the individual, interpersonal, environment, and policy levels. One such strategy aiming to impact systems, policies, and environments is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Activity Friendly Routes to Everyday Destinations (Routes to Destinations). This strategy specifically aims to connect pedestrian, bicycle, and public transportation systems with built environment and land use destinations. This article examines Black/African American transportation and land use experts’ perspectives and concerns —across multiple mediums— around inequities that have discouraged PA among Black/African American persons specifically Routes to Destinations strategies. In March 2021, a multi-faceted scoping review was conducted of peer-reviewed literature, grey literature, and social media authored by Black/African American transportation and land use experts focusing on policy, system, and environmental changes which promote or discourage equitable and inclusive access to physical activity. Themes from peer-reviewed and grey literature resources included: 1) Assessing Racism, Discrimination, and Segregation, 2) Addressing Equity and Inclusion Through Policy, 3) Community Engagement and Place-Based Interventions, 4) Infrastructure Changes, 5) Safety, and 6) Reporting Health Disparities. Twitter topic models suggested the main topics included elements of race/racism, equity, safety, infrastructure, and advancing social justice. Experts called for systemic and systematic change through new policies and implementation of existing policies, as well as enhanced community inclusion in decision making through ownership of policy and built environment change. Safety was discussed differently between peer-reviewed and grey literature and Twitter discussions indicating a publication bias.